Marketing Strategy Features

Scope of work




Audit & Analise
Short-Term & Long-Term Strategy
Delivering Mission & STP
Company Aims

Sale increasing, brand awareness, product launching, customer loyalties.

Customer Journey Map

Using existing Patterns, New Paradigms.

Competitive Strategy

Conduct Analisys: traffic, SWOT

Growth Strategy

Using matrix and tools in order to figure out: Market Penetration, Product Development, Market Development, Diversification

Marketing Plan Features

Scope of work




Market Research
Target Market
Unique Selling Proposition USP
Key Performance Indicators KPI

B2B Digital Marketing Features

Scope of work

Traditional Business

Digital Product

Stagnant Companies

Determine Ideal Customer Profile ICP

Creating Database of companies and decision-makers list and operate them to achieve deals.

Creating Database of companies and decision-makers list and operate them to achieve deals.

Third-Party Audit

Conduct independent Analytics and Audit for reveal effeciency of all current processes. Proposing new marketing strategy and plan.

Retention Marketing

Compiling Retention Straregy using e-mail marketing, SMS, Push-notifications, Messengers, remarketing in PPC.

Digital Transformation
Lifetime Value LTV
Return On Investment ROI
Key Performance Indicators KPI

Marketing Channels Features

Scope of work




Pay Per Click PPC & Targeting

Basic paid option of online-promotion or campaigns based on popular Search Engine and Social Media Plarforms.

Search Engine Marketing SEM

Primary option of non-paid or organic online-promotion.

Content Marketing

Blogs, Viral Content.

Event Marketing

Traditional and modern way.

Creator Sponsoring & Collaborations

Engaging creators and opinion makers to project.

E-mail Marketing

Using native and 3rd-party services.


Providing well organized and consisted SMM Marketing.


Online/Digital advertizing, targeting and retargeting.

Reputation Management Features

Scope of work





Online Reputation Management

Brand Monitoring

Analize and figure it out what people say about company


Search Engine Reputation Management

Reputation on Marketplaces

Gathering all reviews on different marketplaces and figure it out.

Individual Reputation

General functions such user input forms, appointments, video, gallery etc.

Other specific services

General functions such user input forms, appointments, video, gallery etc.